Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ocenia Jesta

Hi all :),

Finally, i have the courage to post this work that i had been doing for the past few months. This is my 1st Air Brush, Hand Painted, Full Weathering and Minor Modification Build. And through this build, i had started to try out alot of stuffs that i didn't did it before and through this process I am able to allow myself to learn alot of stuffs from this build. Strangely, although this work that i done was kind of dull, but i started to like this work alot and it had became like my study material :) Hahas

Below are the pics that I had done with this model:



Well, That's all about it. Do feel free to feed back to me if you have any comments :) Seeking improvement at all times ^^

Signing Off


Monday, December 30, 2013


Hi All :),

It's been awhile since i had done my last blog. Sorry for the delay. But through this period of absent, i had done some Builds (8 HG, 2 MG) and trying some trial and error thingy (Air brush, water decal and pla plate). It does seem well but not so well. Haha -_-,  Oh well one of the process of doing modeling is to do alot of experiments and being patient.

Okays ~  so well enough of all the craps and here goes on what i wanna to present. You all must be wondering what i do to Sengoku Astray Gundam and Matsuri Weapon? (Of course open the box and build la, cheeze :))

Hahas; Anyway, this is the first HG Build Fighter Model kit that i had bought. After build, it's sure worth my pennys, fun to build and look cool and man enough! Below are the picture that i had took after i had done kit.


Front View
Rear View

Samurai Swords
The details of the kit itself look great and it just look like a Japanese Samurai Warrior but just without the Samurai Burger :P

Matsuri Weapon Set 

If you guys don't wish to purchase the HG Model, maybe you can consider getting the Matsuri Weapon Set for decoration/ modification of your other kits.


Well, look cools? (YEAH !) Haha well, it up to you guys decide :) Next Year 2014, Bandai is gonna release few more weapon sets.


( Source: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/list/2080/0/1 )

Lastly, HG Sengoku Astray Gundam is worth your hard earned money, The kit itself looks cool, nice detailing and easy to build. Also other Build Fighters Model kits are as cool as this :D Score: 8/10
As for the Matsuri Weapon set, should i say again? Haha, Score: 8/10

That's all about it for this post. Short and Sweet :) Happy New Year 2014 to All ^^

If you have any comments, do feedback :) Seeking improvement at all times ^^

Signing off

Sunday, October 27, 2013

XXXG-01W Wing Gundam Custom

Hi all, It's been awhile since i last update my blog. First of all, a sincerely apologies as i am busy with school exam follow by internship (9 weeks), hardly have the time to Gunpla but well did manage to finish 3 models (including this one).

Well, anyway this time round, the kit that i am gonna review would be the newly release HG Model, XXXG-01W Wing Gundam.

So far, i had enjoyed building this kit and it's look kind of cool in HG, small yet cool :). This is my second model that i built it with airbrushing and some hand painting. Finally, I started to get a hand of it with the airbrushing. It's not that complicated after all but gonna continue practice and make it perfect. 

Gaiatones Lavender

The color that i used was Lavender paint from gaiatones which is one of my favorite color :D follow by Mr.color Gold and Florescent Green. So for now less words, more pictures:



Favorite Pose :)

This kit is a great add on in your collection and it's easy to build. I would give a 9/10 score. But well just nice , when i done with this kit, the MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW is gonna release soon, 24/10/2013.

Kind of looking forward to it!!! :)

Basically that's all about it and hope that you had a great time by reading this blog. Kindly do give me any feedback you have as i wanna improve myself and skill for this hobby. Thank you all for your viewing and i gonna post my next work soon :), do stay tune.

For more information about this gundam which you are not sure about it, kindly click the link: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/XXXG-01W_Wing_Gundam

Signing off

Friday, June 21, 2013

HG RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam Review

RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam
RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam

Hi all, how you been? It's been a week or so since i last undated my blog. During this few days of my break, i had finised a HG kit and also tried out Airbrush on this kit (shadowing). Kind of shabby though but well, guess i need more practice on Airbrush and stop buying any Gundam Kit at the moment. So well, less words, more pictures! :) Anyway do add me in Twitter (@khaichuan) and Instagram (gamerkhai), Thanks.


Front View
Side view
Rear View


RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, with beam sabers (long)
RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, with beam sabers
RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, vulcan guns

RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, with beam rifle, fin funnels
RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, with machine gun (forearm)
RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, with v Hyper Bazooka

Close up shot and pose

External propellant tank
Beam Saber attachment
Side shot
Close up side shot

Torso & leg

Taking off 
Standard front view shot
Holding beam saber


This HG Kit look neat and cool. Movement is alright, but can't expect it to move like MG :P and one thing amaze me is that the parts are tight and won't come out easily. Now the cons, if there's a stand for the fin funnel and also the rest of the fin funnels is detachable, it would be a excellent kit as this kit only give you 2 detachable but no stand provided for the 2 funnel. It would be great as you can play around with more pose. Overall, i would give this kit a 7/10. Depend on your budget, MG would be great :) and i am looking forward, haha. Next 

Wanna know more about RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam? Visit http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/RX-93-%CE%BD2_Hi-%CE%BD_Gundam

Do feedback me, and next blog update will be quite sometime due to my school project and exam coming soon. Haha wish me luck ya. 

Signing off: KC