Sunday, October 27, 2013

XXXG-01W Wing Gundam Custom

Hi all, It's been awhile since i last update my blog. First of all, a sincerely apologies as i am busy with school exam follow by internship (9 weeks), hardly have the time to Gunpla but well did manage to finish 3 models (including this one).

Well, anyway this time round, the kit that i am gonna review would be the newly release HG Model, XXXG-01W Wing Gundam.

So far, i had enjoyed building this kit and it's look kind of cool in HG, small yet cool :). This is my second model that i built it with airbrushing and some hand painting. Finally, I started to get a hand of it with the airbrushing. It's not that complicated after all but gonna continue practice and make it perfect. 

Gaiatones Lavender

The color that i used was Lavender paint from gaiatones which is one of my favorite color :D follow by Mr.color Gold and Florescent Green. So for now less words, more pictures:



Favorite Pose :)

This kit is a great add on in your collection and it's easy to build. I would give a 9/10 score. But well just nice , when i done with this kit, the MG Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW is gonna release soon, 24/10/2013.

Kind of looking forward to it!!! :)

Basically that's all about it and hope that you had a great time by reading this blog. Kindly do give me any feedback you have as i wanna improve myself and skill for this hobby. Thank you all for your viewing and i gonna post my next work soon :), do stay tune.

For more information about this gundam which you are not sure about it, kindly click the link:

Signing off